Thursday, July 05, 2007

"Have I got a long way to run? Yeah I run..." - Collective Soul

I wake up every morning at 5:20 and leave for the gym at 5:45. One can only imagine how painful this must be. But it's just the first 2 minutes after I open my eyes that the pain and the enormity of what I have to achieve - ie getting up- lay ahead of me. Make that one minute. The first minute when my eyes open, I allow myself a peaceful moment. I don't think about anything, I try to keep my mind free of work, painful memories and homesickness. Then everything is all good and everything is happeee happpeee..Then comes minute number two, thoughts slowly start degenerating and deteriorating. And the mundanity of life catches up with your mind. And you think "Crap, I have to do this and that and damn life is full of shit" (Yes that happens).

So I gather myself after minute two. I put on my tracks and I put on my ipod. Sometimes I think I can survive with these. After I wear my sneakers I feel invincinble.

And I run, with each stride, a rejuvinating spirit matches my stride. It pats me on my back when I get breathless and tire out. Beads of perspiration roll down my forehead, celebrating my achievement. I bid goodbye to the negetive energies that find no place to occupy in my heart.

Life is good, I feel like a kid, there is clarity, life is good:)


Kits said...

Typo negetive! Its negative and I love tht feeling after I am done running..makes me happpeeee! :D

ShrutiWrites said...

Wish this post could inspire me... but getting up anytime before 6:30... that's a waste of precious sleep.. no.. I cant afford that... keep it up though, my life is anyways beautiful ;)

Spikedelik said...

dee...I go thru the very same feeling in minute 1 and minute 2...we juss differ at minute 3! Cuz by the time yer in yer track suit...I am zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...snority snore snore...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!

soulasylum said...

Kitsss...GRE s getting to you :P You saw typo only today, there must be hajaar in all my posts:P

Shurti kiddo! Wait till you start working, and i mean crazy 9 to 9 job..but then hey, you may not have a job like that:)

spikey, hahahaha, psyco..too funny you are. dd you answer quashtun i asked on yr post?

soulasylum said...

Oh my god, I'm so sorry that was shruti nagar, i thought it was kid niece shruti from blore. Shruti Nagar you eserve all the sleep you get! You work so hard, it's unbelievable!:)

Kits said...

U weirdo Murty!!