Monday, July 16, 2007

The imaginary place...

I went back to my first 'home' in the United States on the weekend. Mo has lost a ton of weight. Todd told me i've lost a ton of weight. I asked Lisa if the floor carpet had been changed coz it seemed really bright. She said it hadn't, she said I've been away too long. Too long being one month. Richard said I still don't have all my necessary papers. The guy at the Newman center said "are you going to have your usual,veggie wrap:D". Luna my landlords dog came into my room and sat up on the couch next to me, like she always did. The bed in Maddy's house felt comfortable and the ceiling had windows from which I watched the stars the entire night. I thought of India. I saw the Smith museum, which I never did the entire year that I was there. Dana told me my skin was glowing. I thought it was from the lack of sleep. My bus driver smiled. The guy in the Moroccan restaurant gave me a huge hug. I ate dinner at Indian house:)

'All these places feel like home' - Snow Patrol

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