Wednesday, June 06, 2007

I can take a road that'll see me through...

Its nice sometimes, when your sitting alone in a bus and its taking you to this destination that you want to get to. And you have your ipod switched on, your headphones on and you shuffle through songs and songs, to find that one perfect song that fits that bus ride. You watch car tyres rolling by and look up at the clouds to see stillness.
I love rides in busses, trains and cars. I love listening to music when I take these rides. It gives me a sense of joy and freedom, if only for a minute or two..
Yesterday i sat in the car and as my brother drove, A. R. Rehmans' Vande Mataram began. And it was such an overwhelming moment. Everytime that song began I would look at the soil of my land. But my land was no where in sight this time. I closed my eyes and thought about the streets of my country India. The lanes where children played cricket, where the garbage hadn't been collected, but rain water had, in tiny puddles or huge ditches, where chalk drawings were made by kids on the road, the rickshaws rolled by...
I miss those lanes...those lanes i miss.

1 comment:

Sheece said...

yes they are all dug up now, all those lanes, even i miss them... (sorry for ruining your moment though)